Friday, 15 June 2012

Why I don't like Tyler Shields V.2 (and an apology for V.1)


  1. You suck but at least you corrected this which I commend you for that being said have you seen his other works?

    1. in telling her she "sucks" you have obviously learnt nothing from this whole business.

      well done Heather for learning from this and responding to it in such a mature way AND having the balls to stand by your opinions/beliefs when faced with such unnecessarily vicious and personal criticism.

    2. After writing two articles, reading dozens of Dailymail post on him, and searching through both his website and the 'Tyler Shields' tag on tumblr - I can safely say I've seen enough of his work to last me a life time. The photos I've put up here are some of his worst, but there are other examples I can think of where I didn't like his work. Like any of his photos involving Barbie dolls, the picture of toxic waste being carted out of McDonalds, or the ones where Micky Mouse is holding a gun.

      His celebrity pictures are a little better, but only because of the celebs in them. In most magazines you can find better examples of celebrity photo shoots - so once again, he proves to be nothing special.

      So if you're trying to imply that my opinion on Tyler Shields is the way it is because I haven't seen enough of his work, then sorry you're wrong. I'm very confident in my opinion of Tyler Shields, and if that means I now 'suck' because of it, then I'm okay with that.

      I just think it's a shame that you can't have the same confidence in your defense of Tyler Shields, not even enough to put your name on these comments.

  2. I'm sorry you received such horrible comments on your post!! That is just ridiculous that people would say those things to someone under the shield of anonymity. But I commend you too for handling it maturely and standing by your beliefs. A lot of people can't do that.

    And thank you for your comment on my blog. Sorry the quotes threw you off, I just liked them and wanted to share. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. It's no problem, nasty comments are expected on the internet. Thanks for commenting back! :)

  4. He is a real life "Louie the Liar," and he is unoriginal. The people who post nagative comments have no idea of what art truly is, and are groupies. Regardless of what you write, please don't ever feel lke you have to apologize. Freedom of speech!

    1. I'm not apologizing for my opinion, just how I went about expressing that opinion in the last version of this - but thanks for your support, it really means a lot. And I'm glad you agree that he's crap :)

  5. Spent the whole of this blog thinking you were talking about Tyler Perry. Also you suck (I want to fit in)

  6. DON'T GIVE INTO PEER PRESSURE! Especially when it involves insulting me

  7. Hi, I am just so relieved somebody is speaking out on what they think of Tyler Shields. In a non-patronizing way.

    I am one of those people who just immediately says "Tyler Shields sucks" with no explanation or articulation at all. I just felt it from the first "video portrait" I ever saw. That's why I just loved reading your post about this. He really does have no aesthetic quality. I can see that he's a major Terry Richardson ripoff. Though that may not be what he was intending to be. He does not shock, send a message, nor does he make anything worth mulling over. At least Terry's work has some good quality and a certain look to it (don't get me wrong, I'm no huge fan). Tyler's work feels like a bunch of little celebrities trying to attain their moment of being edgy or badass and Tyler saying, "yo let's make you do some badass stuff on camera like drunk and beating up and sex and weird shit." - including Tyler himself.


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